CEO’s Greeting

Hello, I am Joseph Ryu, CEO of Gradiant Asset Management.

At Gradiant Asset Management, we are committed to serving a pioneering role and offering specialized expertise in the alternative investment industry.

A key aspect of our strategy will be to pursue Industry 4.0-focused investments both domestically in Korea and abroad. We plan to contribute to building an international logistics supply chain fit for Industry 4.0 that leverages innovative trends in information and communication technology (ICT) and bio-tech (BT).

To achieve this, we will be investing in and managing global industrial assets which fully embrace areas such as robotics-based logistics automation, bio healthcare R&D, and green mobility.

Through these efforts, Gradiant aims to provide optimized asset management investment solutions that align with the recent era-defining trends of high-interest rates, inflation, fundamental changes in spatial usage patterns post-pandemic, and the extensive overseas expansion of Korean advanced technology manufacturers.

Amidst these times of change, we will embody the Gradiant group’s trailblazing and market-leading DNA to act as a lighthouse, guiding the way to new strategies for asset and risk management that are optimized to meet forward-thinking trends and investor needs.

Thank you,

Joseph Ryu